These robust, clear-bodied wagglers have flighted tips to aid casting accuracy and come with removable discs, which help to make a fish-attracting noise and reduce the depth they dive on impact.
Perfect for big-weight venues in the UK, such as Gold Valley, Larford Lakes, Makins, Stafford Moor, Boddington Reservoir and Hayfield Lakes.
Designed for supporting large 8mm+ sizes of banded pellets on the hook also work brilliantly with hair-rigged meat, boilies and bunches of maggots.
- Transparent bodies ensure they are less conspicuous to wary fish
- Ultra strong and durable construction
- Available with red, orange or yellow tips Perfect for medium to long range work
- Tips are flighted to ensure the wagglers cast arrow-straight
- Cope extremely well with exposed, open venues that are prone to surface skim
- Two removable disc loadings allow each float to be adjusted for visibility and buoyancy
- Supplied with removable ‘dive discs’ to help prevent plunging too deep on impact
- Perfectly weighted
- Easily fixed onto the line with a T-bar waggled connector, Grippa Stops or sliding float stops
- Ideally, attach with two or three Grippa Stops below the waggler and one or two above the float