Already well recognised by feeder anglers who know, Tournament EVO braid is the unbeatable choice.
The near silent line travel and remarkable ability to keep its profile have made highly desirable for wild water feeder work where distance is often the key.
Now improved with further enhanced silicon surface coating, it produces even less friction during the cast, delivering a truly superior performance and distance with ease.
Technically Tournament 8 Braid EVO+ is one of the world’s best braided lines. It maintains its woven form and remains round even after frequent use.
- Silicon coated X8 strand Japanese PE braid
- Super smooth round profile aids casting distance
- Very quiet on retreive - no noise on guides
- Hard wearing
- 135m ideal for reels of 3000-4000 sizes
- 270m ideal for 25mm spool size reels
- Dark green good all round colour
- Made in Japan